Sourdough cinnamon crumb cake
Sourdough cinnamon crumb cake

sourdough cinnamon crumb cake

This is a sourdough discard recipe which means that your sourdough starter does not need to be active or bubbly. My favorite of all the coffee cake recipes I’ve ever tried, and always a big hit. It has a light and buttery texture but still a little dense. But I will tell you that this sourdough coffee cake recipe came out exactly as I had hoped. I’m not going to tell you that this irresistible coffee cake is health food.

Sourdough cinnamon crumb cake plus#

Plus it’s my husband’s absolute favorite. I don’t typically bake with refined sugar, but this is a special treat that we all love so I make an exception. 🤍 This coffee cake is super easy to make and turns out amazingly delicious every time. The verdict is still out on that, although I’m so grateful for his endless support. I made this Sourdough Blueberry Coffee Cake and my husband told me this recipe was going to be the one to break the internet. Ok – seriously, it’s time to hit the kitchen and invite a friend for fika.

sourdough cinnamon crumb cake

So much of that real life interaction has been replaced in this digital age and the impact it has had on our society is insurmountable. People used to really live life together, face-to-face. How freaking sweet, right?! Fika is a word that we need to add to our vocabulary and a practice that we need to resurrect in our daily lives. Fika is a break in the day for coffee and something sweet, expressly for the purpose of setting aside a moment for quality time. On the homestead, there’s an obnoxiously bright blue and yellow sign in the kitchen that says “FIKA.” I didn’t know what fika meant until watching an episode of “Zoe Cooks” on Magnolia Network and I learned that fika is a very important ritual in Swedish culture. It’s fun to think of the possibility of something we invest in being passed down for generations. Being on the homestead always makes us long for simpler times and hopeful that one day we will have a homestead of our own. The place is steeped in family history and stories of days gone by. They live on a homestead that was started by my husband’s great great grandparents when they got off the boat from Sweden. My husband’s grandparents are Swedish, and their story is really special. As an Amazon Associate, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Sourdough cinnamon crumb cake